Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Coco Curry House

I found a cheap Curry house to get my regular curry fix. It's called Coco Curry House.

I ordered pork cutlet curry. It was really good but that trash I had to deal with after was annoying.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Shots and my Uncle's clinic

I went to my uncle's clinic to get a flu shot. His clinic is on Port Island which is about 15-25 minutes by car from my apartment. I only took pictures of the outside of the clinic because there were patients in there.

The Chinese characters say "Yen Clinic" Pretty Snazzy!!

Spanish Food in Japan

On November 28th I went to a Spanish restaurant with my uncle, aunt and mom. It was a hole in the wall, but pretty good.

 This is a potato and squid dish with a dressing that tasted like Thousand Island.
 This soup was delicious it was an egg and onion soup.
 This was an dish with egg, potato and onion. My mom loved this dish.
 Seafood stew. Super good the sauces was amazing.
 Paella. Yumm. It was super small but REALLY GOOD!
 I thought this little guy was awesome look at the claws on him! Too bad we ate him.
After lunch we went to have coffe in a chain store. The coffee was good and the cake was even better.

 The one above is Cheesecake (mine) and the one below is Chocolate cake (my mom).

My bed...

I thought I would show you guys how I sleep in Japan. I sleep in the Tatami room on Japanese cushions. People usually use just one layer but I'm chicken so I decided to use 4 layers. It looks like a mattress but it's just 4 layers of cushions.

I'm Back!!!

So... my apologies about the delay. I finally found the wire I've been looking for.. it was in my backpack. My bad. :) well then onto the pictures!! Enjoy!

These pictures start on November 19th 2010!!
 Mushroom slippers for 3$ anybody want one? Let me know.
 Kyoto JR station is attached to one of my favorite shopping malls: Isetan. The food is great there and there are a lot of expensive things to look at.
 Look at that crowd. It's not that bad for the weekend but this is at like 10 in the morning.

 This tree has been there every year forever. I probably have hundreds of pictures of this tree because every year we go we take more. I thought I would put it in to show you guys.
 Look at the background the train station is amazing all metal. Check out how big the tree is compared to the Asian guy next to it.